Table 4. Arsenic bioaccessibility of CFI soil in the gastrointestinal phases.
Table 4. Arsenic bioaccessibility of CFI soil in the gastrointestinal phases. From: Evaluation of nutrients effect on the arsenic bioaccessibility of contaminated soil Treatment Gastric phase Intestine phase Colon phase Control 23.86±0.08a 5.26 ±0.05c 9.70±1.43b Glucose 8.46±0.21c 8.41±1.05b 13.85± 0.67a Plant protein 7.21±0.57c 12.54±0.54a 1.06±0.11d Animal protein 17.81±0.80b 5.45±0.28c 4.11±0.76c Calcium 5.78±0.87d 2.32±0.04d 14.48±0.68a Values= Mean±SD; […]
Table 3. Arsenic bioaccessibility of NJY soil in the gastrointestinal phases.
Table 3. Arsenic bioaccessibility of NJY soil in the gastrointestinal phases. From: Evaluation of nutrients effect on the arsenic bioaccessibility of contaminated soil Treatment Gastric phase Intestine phase Colon phase Control 4.34±0.51b 8.41±0.47a 5.66 ±0.74d Glucose 4.41±0.10b 4.11±0.33b 16.49 ±0.76b Plant protein 8.28±0.85a 8.55±0.86a 7.06 ±1.38d Animal protein 5.73±1.07b 8.29±1.32a 23.49±1.20a Calcium 5.00±0.67b 2.56±0.44b 9.89±0.54c […]
Table 2. Physicochemical characteristics of the soil samples.
Table 2. Physicochemical characteristics of the soil samples. From: Evaluation of nutrients effect on the arsenic bioaccessibility of contaminated soil Soil properties Nujiang, Yunnan (NJY) Chifeng, Inner Monglia (CFI) Zhuzhou, Hunan (ZZH) pH 6.70 7.53 7.85 OM % 3.04 1.72 4.32 Clay Content % 14.50 0.77 6.10 Fe g/kg 29.05 25.79 22.30 Mn g/kg […]
Table 1. Soil sampling locations
Table 1. Soil sampling locations. From: Evaluation of nutrients effect on the arsenic bioaccessibility of contaminated soil Soil sampling locations Type / nature of collected soil Nujiang, Yunnan province, China (NJY) Mining soil Chifeng, Inner Monglia province, China (CFI) Mining soil Zhuzhou, Hunan province, China (ZZH) Farming soil Back to article page
Table 1. The latency period (hr.) and percentage of egg fertilization
Table 1. The latency period (hr.) and percentage of egg fertilization From: Latency period and ovulation rate of Pangasius hypophthalmus after the induction of different doses of ovaprim breeding hormone Group no. The latency period (hr.) Percentage of eggs Fertilization 1 18.45 ± 0.33a 42.5 ± 0.84 d 2 17.55 ± 0.61 b 55.6 […]
Table 3. Diseases and disease conditions in cattle, goats, poultry, and other animals..
Table 3. Diseases and disease conditions in cattle, goats, poultry, and other animals.. From: Diseases and diseases conditions of treated animals at Upazila Veterinary Hospital, Kaliganj, Jhenaidah, Bangladesh Disease/ diseasesconditions Cattle (N=208) Goats (N=265) Poultry (N=17) Others (N=21) FMD 8.65% – – – PPR – 9.43% – 4.76% Respiratory disorders 14.90% 3.39% 29.41% 19.04% Fever […]
Table 2. Monthly diseases and diseases conditions in goats.
Table 2. Monthly diseases and diseases conditions in goats. From: Diseases and diseases conditions of treated animals at Upazila Veterinary Hospital, Kaliganj, Jhenaidah, Bangladesh Diseases and diseases conditions Months February March April No. of cases Prevalence (%) No. of cases Prevalence (%) No. of cases Prevalence (%) Fever 31 31.31 24 30.37 13 14.94 PPR […]
Table 1. Monthly diseases and diseases conditions in cattle.
Table 1. Monthly diseases and diseases conditions in cattle. From: Diseases and diseases conditions of treated animals at Upazila Veterinary Hospital, Kaliganj, Jhenaidah, Bangladesh Diseases and diseases conditions Months February March April No. of cases Prevalence (%) No. of cases Prevalence (%) No. of cases Prevalence (%) FMD 6 9.09 8 10.81 4 5.88 Worm […]
Table 5. Result of MDT and ICPI tests on NDV isolate-1
Table 5. Result of MDT and ICPI tests on NDV isolate-1 From: RT-PCR based detection and pathotypical characterization of Newcastle disease virus isolated from layer chickens in Mymensingh, Bangladesh Days post inoculation Criteria of birds ICPI Pathotype Normal Sick Dead Day 1 8 0 0 1.55 Velogenic Day 2 4 3 1 Day 3 0 […]
Table 4. Calculation of ICPI of NDV field isolate-1
Table 4. Calculation of ICPI of NDV field isolate-1. From: RT-PCR based detection and pathotypical characterization of Newcastle disease virus isolated from layer chickens in Mymensingh, Bangladesh Isolate MDT ICPI Pathotypes <60 60-90 >90 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.5 0.2-0.5 NDV-1 + + Velogenic Back to article page