Reviewer Board


Bo Dang

Bo Dang

Lead Mobile Engineer
Sunnyvale, California, 94086, USA
Research Interest: AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Email: edangbo[@]

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Ramakrishna Garine

Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
University of Texas at Austin
Peoria, IL, USA
Research Interest: Supply Chain Analytics , Artificial Intelligence ,Demand Forecasting ,Capacity Planning , Automotive Engineering
Email: ramakrishnagarine[@]

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Varun Chawla

Varun Chawla

Senior Software Engineer
Foster City, CA, USA
Research Interest: Microservices, Algorithms & Data Structures, API Development, Distributed Systems, Software Engineering, System Performance Optimization, Security in Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing, Generative AI, Agile Methodologies, Service Meshes, Software Security, High Performance Computing, High Throughput Applications, Hashing, Cryptography, Data Mining & Big Data, Information Retrieval
Email: vchaw001[@]

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Amirreza Hosseini

Amirreza Hosseini

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
University of Calgary
Tehran, Iran
Research Interest: Computer Vision; Embedded Systems; Federated Learning
Email: hosseiniamirreza2001[@]

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Varun Dixit

Varun Dixit

Senior Member of Technical Staff
VMware Inc
Palo Alto, CA
Research Interest: Distributed Systems; Sustainable Software Development; Cloud Computing; Mobile Computing; Human Computer Interaction
Email: varundixit[@]

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Md Fazley Rafy

Md Fazley Rafy

Ph.D Student
West Virginia University
Research Interest: Cyber-Physical; Systems Resilience and Smart Grid security
Email: mr00065[@]

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