Computer Science and Engineering research (CSER), Volume 01, Issue 01 (2024)

Computer Science and Engineering Research (CSER) is an open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed, international journal. This journal publishes high-quality original research articles, survey papers, review articles, case studies, editorials, and technical notes. Review articles of current interest and high standards may be considered. Manuscripts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are only being considered by this journal.

The scope of this journal is broad, encompassing all aspects of computer science and engineering.

This journal annually publishes three issues (April, August, and December) under the continuous publication model beginning with Volume 1001, Issue 2024. This means that as soon as an article is ready to be published, it will be immediately assigned to an issue online rather than waiting for other articles to be completed, resulting in faster access to the final version.

Journal Status

Acceptance Rate26.3%
Submission to the final decision5 days
Acceptance to publication7 days
Cite Score2.45


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