About JBHM (Journal of Business Horizons and Management)

The Journal of Business Horizons and Management (JBHM) is an open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited (GPCL). It provides a platform for high-quality research in the areas of business and management, focusing on practical and theoretical advancements that drive growth and innovation in organizations globally.

JBHM publishes original articles, case studies, and reviews that cover a wide range of topics, including strategy, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, and digital transformation. The journal aims to address contemporary challenges in the business world, offering insightful solutions and fostering academic-industry collaboration.

With two issues released annually, in April and October, JBHM follows a continuous publishing model, ensuring that research is published promptly and regularly. This approach allows for the timely dissemination of cutting-edge research that is relevant to both scholars and practitioners in the field of business management.

The journal is highly indexed, ensuring that its articles are widely accessible and visible to a global audience. By making its content freely available, JBHM seeks to facilitate the broad dissemination of knowledge and ideas, contributing to the ongoing advancement of business and management practices around the world.

JBHM’s commitment to rigorous peer review and its open-access policy reinforces its role as a trusted and influential journal. It serves as a key resource for researchers, scholars, and industry professionals who are engaged in shaping the future of business management.

About JBHM at a Glance
Journal Name:
Journal Short Name:J. Bus. Hor. Man.
Journal Abbreviation:JBHM
Year of Launching:2024, December
Editor-in-Chief: (2024 – Present)
Aims & Scope:JBHM Aims and Scope
Abstracting & Indexing:Crossref, Google Scholar, Wikialpha
Online Submission:JBHM submission system
Editorial Enquiries:editor.jbhm@genesispcl.com
Publisher:Genesis Publishing Consortium (GPC) Limited
About JBHM

Journal Status

Acceptance Rate25%
Submission to first decision5 days
Acceptance to publication7 days
Cite Score2.50


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